Monday, April 29, 2013

Spring 2013
Environmental Studies Seminar

Claudia Rodríguez-Solórzano,
Visiting Scholar
Dartmouth College

“Unintended Outcomes of Farmers’ Adaption to Climate Variability: Land Use Change in Mesoamerican Protected Areas”
Monday, May 6, 2013
105 Marshall Hall

Monday, April 22, 2013

Capstone: Emily Hughes

Emily Hughes
MPS Candidate
Environmental Studies Department
Major Professor: Richard Smardon
"Sustainability Consulting: Byrne Dairy Agritourism Facility"
May 8, 2013
1 - 1:45 p.m.
202 Whitman

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Job Opportunity: Active Transportation Policy Fellow

Active Transportation Policy Fellow 
Greater Washington DC for the Safe Routes to School National Partnership
Posted by Christine Green

The Safe Routes to School National Partnership (National Partnership) is seeking a professional and detail-oriented candidate with experience in bicycle and pedestrian advocacy or policy to join the National Partnership as the Greater Washington DC Active Transportation Fellow. This is a temporary, contract position. Applications are due Wednesday, April 24, 2013 by 12 p.m. ET.

The Active Transportation Fellow will work with the Regional Network Manager and Greater Washington DC Regional Policy Manager to advocate for improved transportation funding allocations and policies for Safe Routes to School, Complete Streets and walking and bicycling. Please review the scope of work for the position for detailed information and application instructions.

Required qualifications for the Greater Washington DC Active Transportation Policy Fellow include:

  • Demonstrated experience in social media 
  • Student work or personal work in bicycle and pedestrian advocacy or policy
  • Knowledge of Safe Routes to School and/or Complete Streets
  • Ability to write case studies, participate in work groups and present to a variety of audiences
  • Self-starter and detail-oriented 
  • Proficient with social media such as Twitter, Facebook and WordPress, PCs and with MS Office software. 
The successful candidate will work from their home office with their own personal computer, internet access and telephone. Candidate must be able to attend meetings throughout the region, some of which are not Metro accessible.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, so candidates are encouraged to apply early.  Telephone inquiries are not accepted. We look forward to hearing from qualified candidates interested in joining our dynamic, visionary and growing non-profit.

More information at:

Cazenovia College Presents: Randall Arendt

Friday, April 12, 2013

Summer Graduate Workshop

Summer Graduate Workshop
Ethics, Culture and Community-based Environmental Research
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY
Wednesday, August 14 – Friday, August 16, 2013

This summer, the Dept. of Environmental Studies at SUNY-ESF will host a three-day graduate training workshop, part of the NSF-funded, Northeast Ethics Education Partnership (NEEP) with Brown University's Center for Environmental Studies. Led by Drs. Dianne Quigley (PI) and David A. Sonnenfeld (co-PI), the workshop is designed for up to 20 graduate students in Environmental Science, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Studies and related fields in upstate New York.**

Schedule: The workshop will be held August 14-16, with 12 hours of classroom training, plus 3 hours of follow-up, online training. On-campus accommodations will be provided for up to 10 participants from outside the Syracuse area; lunch will be provided for all. Note: It may be possible to accommodate students who cannot attend all three days of the workshop.

To Apply: Send an email to <>, describing your research interests and aims for this workshop.
Deadline: All applications must be received by e-mail no later than 5:00 pm EDT, May 31, 2013.
Further Information: Please contact David Sonnenfeld <> or Dianne Quigley <>.

Workshop Benefits:
·      Learn New Research Models, Including Community-based Participatory Research: If you are a graduate student interested in carrying out research adapted to community needs and sensitive to cultural diversity, this workshop will provide a review of case/field studies with new approaches to research design, methods and outcomes that reflect various ethical approaches to research (community-based research, distributive justice, postmodern, care ethics and virtue-based approaches).
·      Institutional Review Board (IRB) Application Training: If you are planning to conduct field-based environmental research for your dissertation or thesis work, and you need or desire training on protection of human subjects, including for Institutional Review Board (IRB) applications, this workshop will provide guidance and preparatory training for those applications.
·      Cultural Diversity/ Sensitivity Training: Research approaches will be assessed to ensure that exploitation, community stigma harms and culturally-inappropriate practices can be prevented. Communities and cultural groups increasingly require that research activities produce beneficial change and positive outcomes to their local community settings. Guidance from international ethics recommendations, ethical theories, international/ national field studies will be reviewed for use in research design and research beneficence.
·      Certificate of Completion: Students completing 15 hours of training will receive a Certificate of Completion for Research Ethics and Cultural Competence/ Diversity Training. This can be included on CVs to indicate gaining of much-needed professional skills/ expertise that can be shared with others. Students will have access to online resources in research ethics and cultural diversity from the NEEP Website and Blackboard Course Pages.

Informational Flyer:

Capstone Seminar: Amanda Sopchak

"Participating in Environmental Management Practices: 
A Study of Central New York Farmers"


Amanda Sopchak
MS Candidate
Environmental Studies Department
Major Professor: Theresa Selfa

April 16, 2013
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
105 Marshall Hall

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Internships

New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation is offering a variety of internships. Check out the link here for detailed information and on how to apply! Internships begin as early as May, so check now!

Communications Internship

The SUNY-ESF Office of Communications offers an internship to a student who is majoring in environmental studies and focusing on the environmental communication, culture and writing option.

The internship offers assignments across the range of programs that the communications office manages: news and events, Web design and development, video production, graphic design and photography.

Writing assignments can include such subjects as
  • covering campus events (such as student activities, orientation, the fall barbecue, academic lectures, class projects or the Festival of Places) for the Web site; 
  • producing a story for Inside ESF; 
  • writing news releases about upcoming conferences

In the event realm, activities include

  • helping organize a news event, such as a news conference, dedication or demonstration; 
  • helping to prepare and staff college displays at major public events such as the State Fair, the Chamber Show and major academic or business-related conferences such as the Green Building Conference

Video production activities include:
  • script writing 
  • videotaping events and campus activities
  • producing video news stories
  • possibly including on-camera or voiceover work

Graphic design work includes:
  • Postcard or poster design
  • Flyers
  • Simple brochures

Web design and development includes work on the ESF web site.

Photography includes shooting pictures of classroom and campus activities, and ESF students off campus, as appropriate.

Visit the Office of Communications if you are interested in this great opportunity!