Friday, March 22, 2013

Chasing Ice Documentary Screening

Chasing Ice
Climate Change - Impacts and Solutions in CNY 

Monday, April 22 Earth Day
7:00 pm  
The Palace Theatre, 2384 James St.
75 minute documentary
 by James Balog,National Geographic photographer 

Immediately following the film a Climate Impacts and Actions in CNY panel presentation will explore the documentary's environmental implications from a local perspective. The panel will consist of Dave Eichorn, meteorologist; Chris Carrick, Energy Program Manager for the Central New York Regional Planning and Development Board; and Yvonne Rothenberg, Founder of the CNY chapter of the Citizens Climate Lobby. Moderating the panel will be Chris Bolt, WAER news and public affairs director.

The film follows nature photographer James Balog as he documents melting glaciers in Alaska, Iceland, Greenland and Montana. Using time-lapse cameras, his videos compress years into seconds and capture ancient mountains of ice in motion as they disappear at a breathtaking rate. Called the Extreme Ice Survey,  Balog sets up still cameras that have been programmed to take a picture, once every hour, for three years, of the same glacier, from a fixed spot. 

The scale of the glaciers, and the almost hallucinogenic clarity of the images, make the resulting footage, based on three years' shooting, most impressive. One piece of ice we see breaking off is said to be the size of lower Manhattan. 

The visuals are riveting, and they drive home the point that the film makes in voice over narration by Balog, interviews with glaciologists and climate scientists and occasional charts and graphs: Ice is melting at an alarmingly unglacial pace.

Chasing Ice has won 23 awards at film festivals around the world, including: The Environmental Media Association's 22nd Annual BEST DOCUMENTARY AWARD. 


Ticket prices: (suggested donations) At the door: Adults - $10, Seniors & Students - $5, Children 12 and under - Free. Advance sale tickets Adults only $7.  For advance sale tickets go to

Free parking in rear of Palace Theatre. 

Green and energy related organizations will be staffing display tables in the lobby prior to and after the event. 

For information on how to help sponsor this event contact Sam Gordon, 422.8276 ext.204, or Peter Wirth, 476-3396,

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