Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Energy 21st Century
Eleventh Annual
Symposium on Energy in the 21st Century*
April 17, 2015
Renewable Energy
 Perception vs. Reality
Early registration ends soon. Register now!

"The Symposium was superb. You do an amazing job of assembling both exceptional, relevant speakers and interesting audience members"  Carol Chock, Legislator, Tompkins County

Meet our Speakers for 
April 17, 2015

 David Foster
Senior Advisor 
U.S. Secretary Department of Energy

New York Public Service Commission (NYPSC) 

Center for Climate and Energy Solutions C2ES
(formerly Pew Center on Global Climate Change)

Executive Director 
Blue/Green Alliance

Director, Energy & Transportation Program

Rhea Jezer picture
Symposium on Energy Founder,  
Director and Chair 

Regional Director
National Grid

Martha Walton
Senior Project Manager
NYS Energy Research & Development Authority

       This Symposium has been cited as one of the most important conferences on energy in New York and the Northeast. Attendees come from New York as well as many other Northeastern states. The gathering is in an informal atmosphere that creates a particularly dynamic and rich environment for all traditional partners and the public at large explore critical energy issues with experts. There are no breakout sessions and no tabling, just interesting cutting edge presentations and discussions. The Symposium is a division of 

Thank you to our 2015  Sponsors.
To become a Patron or Sponsor click here

Thank you to our STUDENT SPONSORS
Janet Audunson
Chuck Brugger
Daniel Jezer
Shirley Novak
Myra Shayevitz
Kathy Vernay

as of 2/23/15
Dear Rebecca,
        If you have not yet registered for this award winning Symposium on Energy, I urge you to do so now. This event should not be missed by anyone interested in, teaching or working in the field of renewable energy or is interested in job training for the energy sector. You can still take advantage of the early registration fee.

        If you have attended in the past, you will understand why this Symposium has gained the reputation  for being the most important energy policy conference in the North East. Cutting edge policy and updates on renewable energy sources are presented and discussed by top experts. With up to 400 attendees, networking is astounding. 
       Check out the program. This year three experts from Washington D.C. are joining us as well as the leaders from NYS. To have these experts on the same podium is exciting and should not be missed. Each of the speakers will present for 15 minutes, explain what they are working on, and then all speakers will join a panel discussion. Questions by YOU will be the basis of the questions, and you will be provided with cards to be filled out and collected. 
     All this, plus breakfast, hot lunch, easy free parking, for a LOW early registration fee. The registration fee goes up March 31st so REGISTER NOW. If you are planning on coming the night before to be ontime for the Symposium, we have reserved a block of rooms at the nearby Craftsman Inn for a special rate (specify you are with the Symposium on Energy.) Also, consider adding one of the really good tours this year!
     Make sure to read the most up to date information on renewable energy as well as job and internship opportunities. Read the info below and click for info. If you have already registered, just read the updates!!
        As always, feel free to contact me. If you cannot make it this year, please let me know so I will just send updates. See you April 17th. If you are registering, don't forget to consider registering for a tour.

Rhea Jezer, Ph.D, Director & Chair
Symposium on Energy in the 21st Century
April 17, 2015

Don't miss the articles, news, internships and jobs.  
Please scroll down
THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS. To become a sponsor


Check our valued renewed sponsors below.

 WRVO logo National Grid
  New York Bus Sales  NRDC
Synapse      NYLCV

NYSERDAHayes Asset management
Entergy  New York Regtional Energy     

    BrandCool     Syracuse COE  EnergyWright logo  
WDI logovisual technologies logoRiverkeeper logo
      Fenner Free Center
  /   MOSTlogo
  Greening USA 


               A Must Read:


In a historic move, President Obama announced his commitment to protect more than 12 million acres of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, including its coastal plain, as a Wilderness area. 
                 NEW YORK STATE NEWS

                 JOBS, INTERNSHIPS, GRANTS


For more information, news, articles or to add job opportunities contact Rhea Jezer:


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The Symposium on Energy
| in the 21st Century | Syracuse | NY | 13159