Monday, October 28, 2013

Fall 2013 Graduate Student Reception

Department of
Environmental Studies
Graduate Student Reception
Friday, November 15th, 2013 from 5-7 pm
To be held at Inn Complete (SU’s South Campus)
                                          Beverages        Snacks            Apples                                                                                
Please RSVP by contacting Rebecca Hart at x6636 or

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What does the Earth ask of us?

Dr. Valerie Luzadis contributed the Center for Humans and Nature's seldom asked question- "What does the Earth ask of us?"
Check out her piece on "An Earth Economy: Citizenship before Consumerism"


Monday, October 21, 2013

Environmental Studies Blog Contest!

Write and submit a blog post and have your name entered to win a $50 gift card. Increase your chances of winning by submitting more than post!! Submission deadline for Fall 2013 is December 1.

Topics could include:

  *   A pressing environmental studies issue
  *   Why you chose to study Environmental Studies at ESF
  *   An update on your personal research

Please send all items to Megan O'Connor at

Note: Photos and blog posts will be chosen at the discretion of the department faculty. By submitting material (blog posts or photos) you agree to allow the department to use the material in their blog, website, and publications.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Summer 2014 Institute on Contested Global Landscapes

Summer 2014 Institute on Contested Global Landscapes
Cornell University, May 18 - 23, 2014 
Knowledge and the Politics of Land 

Applications are currently being accepted for the second Summer Institute on Contested Global Landscapes to be held at Cornell University May 18 - 23, 2014. We welcome applications from advanced graduate students (i.e., completing dissertations) and junior scholars (i.e., who received a Ph.D. after May 2011) in the humanities, social sciences, and other relevant disciplines. 
The theme of the 2014 Summer Institute is “Knowledge and the Politics of Land.” In the context of what has been called a contemporary “Global Land Grab” and expanded interest in questions of natural resource availability and access, we ask what role knowledge and knowledge production have played in shaping the politics, economics, and social life of land and land management. How have various disciplines, professions, and indigenous knowledges facilitated and challenged shifting patterns of ownership and access to land in the past and the present? How are knowledge-making capabilities both mobilized and shaped by struggles over land? 

We seek to critically examine the relationship between knowledge (and ignorance) in land politics across time, space, culture, and ecology. We are interested in receiving proposals across this broad topic as well as on a number of more specific, interrelated issues, including: 
  • Knowledge claims and knowledge-making in contemporary land deals; 
  • How and why certain forms of knowledge are moved, diffused, and imposed (as well as those that do not travel) and the wider environmental, economic, social, and political implications of such (im)mobility; 
  • How actors negotiate particular and universal knowledge claims; 
  • The role of measurement, standardization, estimation, and prediction in both reflecting and reproducing the politics of land; 
  • The role of various experts and multiple, often competing forms of expertise in enabling, but also complicating and sometimes undermining struggles over land; 
  • The ways that particular social and natural science disciplines are enmeshed in the politics of land management;
  • Construction of systems of innovation, land economics, and the politics of diffusion; 
  • How knowledges of state and non-state actors combine, compete, and manifest in land politics;
  • The complex relationship and dynamics between “lay,” “local,” and “indigenous” forms of knowledge and “expert” or “scientific” knowledge; 
  • How notions of scarcity, abundance, productivity, and potentiality infuse and animate the production and politics of knowledge. 

Over the course of five days and through a mix of feedback on pre-circulated papers, intensive discussions, speaker sessions, and regional field trip(s), participants will have the opportunity to develop their own work and acquire new skills in a vigorous, collegial, interdisciplinary setting. 
Successful applicants (up to 10) will signal broad empirical and theoretical originality. The Institute intends to stimulate vibrant and unexpected cross-disciplinary exchange among scholars whose research is directed to different times and spaces. This call for applications is not limited by historical period or world region. 

A secondary goal of the Summer Institute is to produce an edited volume or special issue(s). To that end, applicants will be expected to submit a substantive draft of an unpublished paper in advance of the meeting (by April 15, 2014). The workshop will serve, in part, to stimulate further development of these papers for inclusion in the eventual publication(s). All working papers will be pre-circulated to all participants to stimulate ideas, foster synergies, and enhance the quality of feedback participants will receive on their own work. After participants submit final and publishable versions of their contributions to the edited volume/special issue (by October 1, 2014), they will receive a small honorarium. The Institute will cover travel (up to $600 per participant), food, and housing costs. 

Application deadline is midnight (EST) on December 15, 2013. Applicants should apply using this online form. Please upload a cover letter (max. 2 pp single-spaced), a current CV, and a writing sample in one PDF document. The form also asks applicants to submit an abstract (no more than 300 words) in PDF format of an unpublished paper (that the applicant will contribute to the Institute and have reviewed in final form for possible inclusion in the edited volume/special issue). Successful applicants will be notified by February 1, 2014. International participants will be responsible for researching and completing their own visa and related legal arrangements. Please note that accepted applicants are expected to attend the entirety of the Institute. 

The Summer Institute is connected to a larger project on Contested Global Landscapes that held a 2013 Summer Institute.  Questions should be directed to Sara Pritchard at sbp65@cornell.eduSteve Wolf at or Wendy Wolford at

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Dep't of Earth Science Presents: Professor Hope Jahren

Professor Jahren is an isotope detective.  Her research focuses on living and fossil organisms and how they are chemically linked to the global environment.  Field work takes her from the fossilized forests of the Arctic to fast food restaurants down the street, using measurements of the stable isotopes of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen to learn about subjects as diverse as diet and global warming.  Dr. Jahren is the recipient of the James B. Macelwane Medal from the American Geophysical Union, the Donath Medal from the Geological Society of America, and she is a Biogeochemistry Fellow of the AGU.  She is a two-time recipient of Fulbright Awards, one for Arctic Science in Norway and another for Environmental Science in Denmark.  She completed a B.A. degree in Geology at the University of Minnesota at Minneapolis and holds a Ph.D. in Soil Science from the University of California at Berkeley.  She is currently Professor of Marine and Environmental Geology at the University of Hawai‘i.
Dr. Jahren’s lecture is co-sponsored by SU-ADVANCE.  She will also be giving a technical lecture in the K. Douglas Nelson Lecture Series in the Department of Earth Sciences on Thursday, October 24th, at 4pm in the Heroy Geology Lab rm 113 entitled “The Effect of Elevated pCO2 on C3 Plants through Geologic Time”.

Global Energy Essay Contest

Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection